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Removing neurofeedback funding doesn’t eliminate the need—it just redirects it to already strained services.

The 3 October 2024 funding cut created an immediate surge in demand for traditional therapies as families scramble for alternatives. Waiting lists that were already months long are now stretching into years. Service providers struggle to accommodate the influx of new clients, while existing participants face reduced session availability and increased delays.

The ripple effect of this policy change threatens the entire support system.

When hundreds of families simultaneously seek new treatment options, it creates a bottleneck that affects everyone in the system. Speech therapists, occupational therapists, and behavioural specialists now face impossible choices about who to prioritise. The strain shows in longer waiting times, shorter sessions, and overwhelmed practitioners.l

This artificial pressure on traditional services compromises care quality for all participants.

Practitioners forced to take on more clients have less time for individual attention. The rush to fill the gap left by neurofeedback means faster turnover, shorter appointments, and less personalised care. We’re creating a system where quantity compromises quality.

We must restore neurofeedback funding to prevent the collapse of our support infrastructure.

The current bottleneck isn’t just an inconvenience—it’s a crisis that threatens access to quality care for all NDIS participants. Every day we delay addressing this issue adds more pressure to an already strained system.