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The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) announced significant funding changes that came into effect on October 3, 2024.

These changes introduced a clearer definition of what NDIS funding can and cannot be used for, with a specific list of approved supports. Importantly, there has been concern regarding cuts in funding for specialised services, particularly for autistic children, which has caused disruptions for families relying on services like neurofeedback. These changes were part of a broader effort to bring more clarity to how participants can use their funding, but they have also raised challenges for families facing reductions in support for crucial autism therapies. 

The removal of neurofeedback as a funded therapy is devastating blow for families and individuals reliant on a therapy that has achieved more progress than any other (and in some instances, is the ONLY therapy proving effective).

It is important that transparency for this decision is provided and a swift reversal is put in place to ensure that treatment is not interrupted. In this spirit, I am launching a new newsletter designed to generate awareness, seek and answers and facilitate a respectful overturn of this decision.

We are currently establishing our digital presence, in the meantime I thought it worthwhile showcasing our new logo for you:

A big thank you to our rockstar designer, Mickey, for another brilliant logo design!

As the NDIS continues to evolve, it is crucial that the needs of all participants, particularly vulnerable groups like autistic individuals, are carefully considered in policy decisions. The removal of neurofeedback funding highlights the need for transparency and community engagement to ensure that therapies proven effective are not prematurely discarded. By raising awareness and advocating for a reversal, we can work together to protect essential supports and ensure that no family is left without the care they deserve.